Monday, May 18, 2009

18 may 2008...summer love in paris

credit to adila

tgk tarikh betul2...what the special about this date..18th may 2008 not year its all about a year the same that..but the different story..i won't talk too much about that..because its full with sweet memories..why??always..sweets moment we want to share and to story again and again..but for me...its just enough if it just in my my heart..

so..the story was of love..P.A.R.I.S....the dream place of every girls...(but for those yg selalu dah fly oversea..mungkin ini takde makne pape..)

for the first time i went away..far away from my family..alone..with him..(that time..)..12 hours in flight..hahaha..ak tak gerak ke toilet pun tak..coz..

me: bi..agak2 nak gi toilet die..ok tak?
him: hehe..toilet die?try ar pegi tgk..cane..hehehe
me: tak nak la..(dari gaye muke tau je cane..hehe..die pun dah bese fly..)

so..ak duk la diam..tak tau nak wat pe..die tdo je..hahah(mmg kaki tdo pun..)..

lepas 12 hours..i arrived at CDG..hehe..short term tuk aiport kat sane..nak eja name penuh ak tak reti..waiting for his parent amik kiteorg..act ak tak ingt sgt detailed cal cite kat sane..dah setahun kan..yg ak tau..ak betul2 nak tgk eifel tower..menara gah yg ramai cite..buat pasanagan first place yg ak ingt ak pegi adelah clinic or hospital..haha..tak tau la ape tmpt tuh..tman mak die..

so..within 2 weeks..i have a good day with his family..his sisters..and his mom..going to market..(naik metro..kat mesia cam ktm ..lrt la kan)visit 5 most popular places at paris..hehe..skali lagi ak tak tau name2 tmpt tu kan..bukan ape..payah benor nak 1st time ak tgk eifel..erm..masya ALLAH...ak rase cam tak sangke..dulu..ak ingt just in my dream..but that tower now in front if me..huhu..i visit that tower about 4 times..(i guess..)hehe..tak lupe..spend 1 day at disneyland resort paris..mase tuh ak kene pegi ngan die je..his sis tak dpt ikut sbb ade hal..yg len we all pegi bertige..hehe..thanks to dilla sbb tgkp gmbr baeeekkk punye ngan abg chik..hehe..hehe..

sal mkn tak yah kat mesia gak..auntie msak sebijik cam mesia..cume kat mesia gune gas..kat sane gune letrik..tu je yg tak..auntie kate.."lmbt wani gune letrik nih.." kat mesia ni jgn mls nak masak k..sempatt gak ak singgah jumpe abg die for the 1st time..hehe..kak tiqa jgn mara ek..hehe..erm..yg penting ak yg konon happy go lucky kat mesia nih cam segan gile kat sane..nak tgkp gmbr pun cam malu..aisshhh..tu yg wat ak nak pegi balik..nak pose vogue baik punyer..hehe..

so..enough for that memories..hehe..nak cite pajang lebar pun..ramai cam dah tau..hehe..for him..tanx for all the memories..hehe..yg paling i ingt..kite tgk movie same2..cerite king kong..(tgk je..even dlm france..)tu 1st time kot kite gk movie kat tv sesame..hehe..hope name yg ak coret kat dinding tuh..tak kene cat lagi..hehe..

erm..gmbr ini adalh sikit sebyk yg ak amik kat sane..

garden dekat ngan eiffel..again..tanx dilla..
hujung jalan cham of the popular visit place
on street..kat london..
parliment of british

notre dame


IzreenR said...

teringin gyle...
nk pack baju la..
nk g PARIS>>>=))

~~tp,sape mau bwk?

nurhaz said...

hehe..kumpul la duit dulu..hehe..eifel menunggu..
its fantastic..

Khabir said...

Assalaamu'alaikum wrm wbt

Salam Ziarah dari bumi Perak, Malaysia.

Alhamdulillah. Dah kahwin ya?

:) Wassalaam.

Saudara se-Islam,

nurhaz said...

tak la..belum lagi?nape?


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