Wednesday, June 24, 2009

angan?impian atau cita2..di uitm shah alam?

me?at uitm shah alam..just fews day to go ..5th july...i'll come to the new world of me..hazwani at campus with million of people..with different new mad..maybe the person with Dr. title..which one that i like to have it at there?(ouh.i think my english become worse..aha..)tetibe tingat kat result muet..hope lepas..wuhu!
so..i like to share what i dream to do..haha..but maybe ya or maybe not..just wait till the time come..haha..
1st..focus on study wanie..haha..tebus balik tak dean last sem..hurm..i remember..1st sem i in diploma..i dun noe about..gpa or cgpa or pointer..the great mark to bring me success in study..i just sit for my paper..and get that pointer..hurm..but..after i learn everything..i try harder for the next sem..and till now..i will continue for my in study..dun look back..step forward..u do for ur self wanie..hurm..let go to 2nd check list..hehe

2nd..erm..nak low profile..ahakz!!haha..leh ker?haha..before this i high profile sgt ker? pk la sendiri..for my fren yg kenal i..yg perna se'rumate' dgn i..or se'toiletmat' dg i..u know who am i..haha..and i remember wat mr.khaez said..when i ask him..

"u..i rase kan..nnti kat uitm nnti i nak low profile la..ok x?"haha..amik ko pe die jawab.."u..?nak low profile..?klakar2..haha"..tu jwpn dari mr khaez..
when i ask my fren dayah..the same question..haha..the answer are similar with mr khaez..walawei..
mmg ak over kot dulu..ya2..ak pun admit yg ak dulu cam over2.terlebih poyo or gediks..haha..sume org ak nak tegur..but i know ok the batas2..especially ngan laki..for me..bertegur tuk kenal ngn lebih rapat..its ok..mane tau maybe in future kite perlu pertolongan dari mereka..if kite jenis diam..and nak ckp ngan org pun susah..cane beb..mase susah baru terkedek2 nak carik org..if we know lot of people we will get many things from them..i tak kate amik kesempatan or sewaktu dgn nye..but..tetibe kite perlu kan bantuan tuk wat assignment kite..and bende tu berkait ngan someone..if kite kenal..ok kn?if tak kenal..tak nangis ke kite nak siap kan bende alah tu..ha..pk2 la..but i know..dayah or mr khaez or my fren..ex-section one..even ex sambest..tau i cane..suke expose lebih2..hehe..bukan nak perhatian ok..just suke nak berkawan...

and for someone yg rase tak suke ak camnih..wutever~~peduli pe ak..kalo kamu nak wat muke dikala ak menyapa sesiapa..suke ati ler..ade ak kisah??..nnti kamu juge yg tercarik2 ak nak minta bantuan yg bukan dari ak tp dari kawan2 ak yg ak sapa2 dulu but time tuh kamu buat2 muke..konon2 ak i sgt gedik..blah ar!! cume cam amaran tanpa ancaman..haha..lets go to the next in mylist..haha.hope u still enjoy reading my post..wink2*

3rd..haaa..even ak nak low profile ak tak kan membiarkan harapan ku tuk masuk any club or my dream sejak kat kptm...or dari kecik senarnye..i nak masuk club budaya..yg ade tari menari..i want learn sume jenis dance..dari western ke east..hehe..zapin inang waltz..tango salsa..ouh..i forget the others..paling nak blaja tarian melayu la kan..but dun worry..i hope i can join and make performance with my great talent..haha..ade talent ker??ade kot..haha..setakat dangdut lepas about teater ya??..i like acting..haha..but tu mcm segan sikit..but wht not if ak cube kan..all of this can be fantastic and kan...dgn transformasi ak nnti..adekah ak akan diterime?aahh..wutever~~ak mesti cube kan...and mungkin tuk menjawat jawatan penting dsane?oho..itu satu bukan lagi di kptm kak..ini di kampus terbesar kat mesia..hurmm..pk2..

and 4th..haha..act tak tau dah pe..yg penting 3 above tu la yg dlm fikiran skrg..erm...maybe ade yg about bercinta??haha..ya..satu soklan yg mebi lazim dikalangan remaja..and major said that..time degree la org mencari mase diploma ak dah jumpe cane?? joke!!haha..ntah la..takde niat lagi kot tuk teruskan ak tak leh kate tak nak..Allah dah susun sume tuk ak..ak just terime..but if u ask me..for now..i lebih suke single but sorry for guys not longer available for u all..ahakz!!kihkih..cerite cam perasan rmaai sgt nak kat ak kan...hahah..who know?mebi dorng cam segan je nak berkenalan dgn ak..haha..amik sekali lagi..perasan sungguh minah nih..=P

mebi tu je all my viewera..happy rejab..byk kan beramal..sape2 yg ade nazar tu..bayar la ye..heheh...


Syauqah MUJAHIDAH said...

my name coming up byk kali..hahaha..

1st,fcus study!Not bad..bgus yg tuh.

2nd,low profile.Gulp..!! Yg tu ak akn nilai di sana nti..hahahah
Btw,word coklt tu , ditujukan kpda siapakah ?!

3rd,msuk kelab ea?
Tau da , dr ktpm lagi sibuk tnya sal klb kbudyaan.
Haa..amek ko..masukla kelab tuh kt uitm , jd timb presiden tau..!!
Pstu msk prtndgn tarian,pstikn smpai prgkt "Sehati berdansa"..ahakss..

4th,cintan..?!! Hurm...!!!
Akn aku pastikan hal ini bila disana nnti..lalalala

Makeover mcm ne?Kte nk dikenali sbg..

"Wanie mane?"
"Ala, wanie yang vogue pkai breases tu.."..:P

P/s: Ingt ko sorg lh tulis sal angan2 impian kt sne..ko tggu laa...kahkahkahkah

nurhaz said...

haahha..panjang tol komen ko..ak suke..ak suke..hehe..ok2..kite lihat saje di sana nnti..hehe..salah la eja braces tuh..hehehe..
k..ak tau ko pun mesti nak tulis gak..sile2..ak nak bace..

Syauqah MUJAHIDAH said...

kesilapan ejaan mmg diketahui...hahahah
bantai je eja tuh..

Ezaty Adzmi said...

cumel la ur post..
i bc smbl snyum2
ahhaa ;)

nurhaz said...

hehe..tanx ti..hehe..u senyum2 nape?suke check list i num 4 tu ker?hehe


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